cfform_submit_status["BD1721977516146"]=null; function check_TF_BD1721977516146( theForm ){ cfform_isvalid = true; cfform_error_message = ""; cfform_invalid_fields = new Object(); if ( cfform_isvalid ){ return true; }else{ alert( cfform_error_message ); return false; } } if ( cfform_isvalid ){ return true; }else{ alert( cfform_error_message ); return false; } } //-->

Page Title

Large Hydra Humidifier for Humidor up to 2500 Cigars

Price: $199.95

-Up to 2,500 cigars
-4" w x 11" l x 4" h
-Large led display for easy viewing
-Reports humidity reading every 30 seconds
-Hygroset® adjustable technology
-2 Internal fans
-2 External fan ports
-Audible and visual low water indicator
-Handheld remote unit on 54" long wire
-The remote control's basic functions display temperature and humidity
-Instructions included

Large Hydra Humidifier for Humidor up to 2500 Cigars